Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Girls' First Homework Assignment

Well, you know that the school year is in full swing when you get the first homework packet.... My girls got theirs this week (although is an abbreviated version) and we sat down at the kitchen table before dinner and did it. It's so amazing to see Ella doing this stuff because to me she should still be just toddling, you know? Both of their assignments had to do with cutting and pasting, so it was a good mess. But, it's done!

The girls doing their homework

Hard at work!

Ella got off to a bit of a rocky start this year, but we've had a week and a half of straight smilies in the journal, so it leads me to believe that she's catching on. They've switched things around a bit and now the girls are together in class for much of the day and that seems to be going well so far.

Avynne is such a worrier.......she asks me every day where her library book is and is it in her backpack? She'll visit the school nurse in a heartbeat when she gets nervous about something; I honestly think she makes herself sick with worry. For instance, yesterday she had P.E. and I sent her to school in a t-shirt with a dress over it and leggings with ked-like tennis shoes. The night before we had this whole conversation about were the shoes really tennis shoes and was the dress over the leggings really okay? I assured her (or thought I did) that she was wearing the appropriate attire for P.E. Well, apparantly she needed some reassurance because as P.E. drew near yesterday, she started getting really nervous. She ended up in the nurse's office with the nurse calling me and me telling the nurse to just send her back to class and I would check on her when she got home (it was about an hour and a half before school was to let out). The nurse sent her back and when Avynne was walking back to class she confessed to the nurse that she was "a little nervous about P.E." and then proceeded to go through the entire conversation with the nurse that she and I had had the night before! After getting confirmation that she was good to go with the nurse, she smiled and said, "OK!". OH, MY! She's such a worry-wart!!!!

A random pic from this past weekend